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Charm City Romanticon 2025
Optional Sunday Workshops

 Workshops are open to all CCR2025 participants (authors, narrators, assistants, attendees, volunteers, etc). 

Workshops are in addition to the Friday & Saturday event ticket and will be filled on a first received, first confirmed basis. Payment for workshops must be received within 7 days of invoicing or your spot may be given to individuals on the workshop waiting list. 

Registration Fees: 

60-minute workshop: $15 per workshop 

90-minute workshop: $25 per workshop 

Please see descriptions below the schedule for information about each workshop, the presenters 


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Author services (graphics, editing, etc), PAs, ARC vs Street Team

Author services (graphics, editing, etc), PAs, ARC vs Street Team Sunday, April 6, 2025 2:00PM in the Amphitheater 60-minutes Facilitators: Julie Collier, Rhon House, Patricia D Eddy Curious about what author services providers can do to make your life more streamlined? Ever wonder what the types of editing are and why they are an integral part of publishing? Thinking of starting an ARC or Street Team or curious about how they differ and how to make them successful? This is your workshop. Led by a team of experienced industry professionals, you’ll get your questions answered and be ready to put them to practical use in your day to day author career.

Audiobooks: Behind the Scenes 

Sunday, April 6, 2025 3:30PM in the Amphitheater 60-minutes Facilitators: CCR2025 attending narrators Get a look at all aspects of how an audiobook goes from concept to headphones in this workshop. Walk through the experience as you are walked through what options an author has for audiobook production, a breakdown on how an actor prepares and records a script and a general overview of the audiobook production process. Join us to get answers to questions like: “Do narrators read a book before recording?” “Do authors get to cast their books?” “How much does it cost to produce an audiobook?” “How do dual and duet production processes differ?” “How do actors pick character voices?” And more… A short survey will be sent to all attending the workshop so we can shape the presentation to focus on the areas of most interest to the attendees.

Once the Words are Written….

It’s time for Marketing, Blurbs, and Covers Sunday, April 6, 2025 5:00PM in the Amphitheater 90-minutes Facilitators: Golden Angel, Stella Moore, Megyn Ward *Priority registration offered to attending signing authors and assistants The words are on the page and they’re ready for readers, but how do you pull them in before they’ve read the words? Effective cover design, blurbs, and marketing strategies are a vital part of getting your books into readers’ hands. Learn how to write a gripping blurb, select the best cover, and market the frack out of your novels.

Reading Romance & Relationships (2 sessions)

Facilitator: Jennifer Greenberg Session 1: Sunday, April 6, 2025 2:00PM in the Belmont Room 60-minutes Session 2: Sunday, April 6, 2025 5:15PM in the Belmont Room 60-minutes "Reading Romance and Relationships: Not Your Mother’s Bodice Busters" is a concept Jennifer Greenberg has been working on for her dissertation. She will discuss some of the research she has collected and provide a safe space for authors, narrators, and readers to discuss how they have seen reading/listening to romance change or impact their relationship. Some goals of this session may include, but are not limited to: 1. Exploring emotional themes related to books and relationships 2. Build insights into relationships 3. Empowerment to take strategies and ideas home

After the Read: Writing reviews, joining an arc or street team, and social media as a reader

Sunday, April 6, 2025 3:45PM in the Belmont Room 60-minutes Facilitators: Michelle Fewer (Brayzen Bookwyrm) & Rhon House So you’ve read the book, but you want to do more. Not sure what an ARC or Street team is? Or what the difference is between them? Or how to join them? Want pointers and tips on writing an effective review and where to post it? What about how to get those review links to submit to ARC team coordinators? This is your chance to get those questions answered, and more.

Basics of Self Defense

Facilitators: Black belts from WKD Karate 4 Girls Session 1 Sunday, April 6, 2025 2:00PM in the Waverly Room 90-minutes Session 2 Sunday, April 6, 2025 5:00PM in the Waverly Room 90-minutes Because you are worth protecting. Learn basic personal safety, and awareness techniques in this seminar style introduction to self-defense. This workshop is taught by instructors from WKD Karate 4 Girls, an all-female dojo in Columbia, Maryland. Wear comfortable clothing and be prepared to move around to your comfort level.

Meet the Facilitators

Golden Angel Marketing - In today's saturated market, marketing has become more important than ever for authors looking for financial success through their books. USA Today bestselling author, Golden Angel, has been publishing since 2012 and became the full-time breadwinner of her family in 2020. She's the Vice President of the Maryland Romance Writers and has been the speaker for multiple marketing presentations at various events including InkersCon, the RWA Indie Author Event, a Romance Author Mastermind roundtable, and other local writing groups. She's also known for her TikTok series called Just the Tip, a series of marketing and publishing videos for aspiring and established authors. Patricia D Eddy Patricia D. Eddy is a USA Today bestselling author of Romance for the Beautifully Broken. She’s also a certified developmental and line editor with more than fifteen years of experience. Patricia holds editing certificates from the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Chicago—the home of the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)—and renews those certificates every five years to keep on top of changes and trends in grammar, language, and style. Her favorite genres are romance, thriller, and memoir. Patricia specializes in diversity and inclusion, fact checking, and editing for audio. She loves working with authors at all experience levels and believes in a cooperative editor-author relationship. Visit Patricia’s editing site and request a free sample edit of up to 2000 words at Jennifer Greenberg Jennifer Greenberg is a licensed clinical social worker who is also an AASECT Certified Sex Therapist with expertise in individual, couples, and group therapy. She is also a PhD candidate (expected defense summer 2024) in couples therapy and sexology from Daybreak University in California. She is a lifelong romance reader and loves CCR for everything it is. Stella Moore Stella Moore is a USA Today Bestselling author of body positive Daddy Dom romance. Her company, Blurbalicious, was founded to assist her fellow authors with their blurbs as the need in the community grew. Her clients include five and six figure authors, USA Today bestselling authors, multiple small press publishers, and Golden Angel. Her friends alternate between calling her the Queen of Blurbs and the Blurb Expert. Megyn Ward: Independent romance author, Megyn Ward, was born in 2017 when traditionally published thriller author, Maegan Beaumont, decided to try her hand at kissing books. Taking the term “independent” to heart and blessed with the “how hard can it be?” gene, Megyn decided to go all in and be her own cover artist. After 7 years, 25 books and more than a little research on what it takes to create an eye-catching cover, Megyn has not only become a semi-professional with an eclectic portfolio spanning across genres and authors, she’s also an award-winning cover artist and a USA Today bestselling author.

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