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Julie Collier, Michelle Fewer, and Rhon House designed Charm City Romanticon based on their dream event and created it with input from authors and other readers.  Cultivating deep ties and strong loyalty to indie romance authors, Michelle, Julie, and Rhon endeavor to facilitate an event that brings authors and readers together to celebrate their shared love of all things Romancelandia. Julie is a PA for numerous romance novelists as well as a reader and reviewer,  Michelle is an editor, blogger, podcaster, reviewer, and reader, and also has experience in event planning and management. Rhon is a PA for Avery Maxwell, as well as a reader, reviewer, and aspiring author.

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Julie was a non-reader until the night she watched Fifty Shades of Grey, because why read a book when you can watch a movie in 2 hours, right? She found herself frustrated at the end of the movie and, after a whole lot of encouragement, downloaded book one of the series, and as they say, the rest is history.


She now works as a personal assistant to authors, is a TBR enabler, podcaster and hype girl. When you don’t see a book in her hand, she’s probably driving a big yellow school bus.


She is a wife, mom of three kids and two dogs.





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An editor and author mentor, blogger, podcaster, hypegirl, and event organizer, Michelle Fewer (known on social media as the Brayzen Bookwyrm) focuses on building connections within the indie romance industry.

A reformed book snob, her goal is to help others recognize the inherent qualities in romance novels and the community built to support their readers and authors.


In her capacity as an editor and mentor, aka the professional word fluffer, Michelle works with everyone from brand-new debut authors to well established Indie Romance authors, helping them elevate their voice and find their joy in writing.


When she’s not immersed in her work in Romancelandia, Michelle—a 3rd degree Black Belt—can be found teaching and training at Karate 4 Girls in Columbia, Maryland. She’s a wife, mom to two teenage spawns, and dedicated doggo guardian to Maggie (aka Her Maggesty—the bestest girl).


Find me online.

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Rhon’s a voracious reader, writer, reviewer, blogger, mystic, sometimes poet, and all-around hype girl who believes anything is possible with a little help from her friends.


She writes under the pen name, Caera Everly and also works as an author assistant to a contemporary romance novelist. She enjoys co-creating all manner of bookish shenanigans, from reader groups to podcasts, to bookish conventions, with her stalker sister cohorts. And is currently co-authoring a romantic fantasy adventure series with her longtime friend and partner, which is scheduled to publish soon.


In her other lives, she’s had careers in mental health, law enforcement, and wellness and brings the life lessons of all of those incarnations to her daily activities.





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